Update to Optical Express Spam Texts

This is an update to the spam texts I received from Optical Express [one, two, and three]

I emailed Optical Express on customerservices@opticalexpress.com the following message

Dear Sir or Madam,

I keep receiving unsolicited texts from Optical Express, the latest was received on 3rd February.

The unsolicited texts were offering an entry into a free prize draw, or offering me laser eye correction.
The numbers these unsolicited texts were sent from was 07860030840, and 07478724511

I have never had any products, or dealings, with Optical Express before I received these unsolicited texts.

I would like to know where you got my mobile number from, and I would also like to know how to prevent any future unsolicited texts.

Thank you for your help

I received an email from them the following morning asking for my mobile number so that they could assist me further with my enquiry.

Following this, this is the email I received from them

Thank you for your email.

I can confirm that we have now removed your mobile number from future text message campaigns.

In order to get the opt in details for your mobile number could you please contact the data broker supplied in the details below.


If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Thank you 🙂

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